COMFORTABLE, AFFORDABLE & MODERN RESIDENTIAL AGED-CARE & RESPITE ACCOMMODATIONResidents at Havilah’s aged-care facilities rarely stop socialising and exploring their new lives.
Havilah resides in a growing tourist region of Central Victoria. Travelling to towns, attractions and events in the region provides endless entertainment and much inspiration for those who like to get out and about. There is an abundance of food, wine and beautiful scenery in central Victoria. Amongst the activities on offer are visits to international exhibitions, tours of public gardens and historic homesteads, lunches at vineyards in the Pyrenees, dining on delicious cuisine in restaurants, cafes and pubs in Avoca, Castlemaine, Creswick, Daylesford and Hepburn, and enjoying scenic delights at tourist destinations such as Tuki Trout Farm, gold prospecting, boating, tennis, bowling, golf, theatre, Avoca races, local markets, festivals and events. Yet there is so much more to explore and so much to look forward to. And when residents are not traveling all over the country side there are plenty of activities enjoyed within their comfortable home from bowling to cross-words, craft, art, cooking, dancing, musical entertainment and significant events such as Melbourne Cup day and spring racing events, Easter, Mother’s Day, ANZAC day, Halloween and more. Our annual Christmas BBQs are enjoyed by residents and families past and present from far and wide. Both Havilah sites are just a short stroll away from the Maryborough CBD, medical clinics, clubs, restaurants and cafés, and are ideally positioned to enjoy the culture and fine dining of the surrounding wine and goldfields regions. Many of Victoria’s finest tourist regions are within an hour’s drive. Exceptional residential Care is available at the Harkness and Palmerston sites and our soon to be completed development The Terrace. DININGMeals are prepared with only the best quality fresh, seasonal ingredients to suit all dietary requirements. Our flexible kitchens cater to your daily desires regardless of any fixed menu. Large dining and communal spaces are offered in all wings of the facility. Private dining rooms and kitchens are available for family gatherings, activities, entertainment and events such as afternoon teas and games.
Does Havilah have beds available for people of low means? YES. More than 40% of our overall places are set aside for people with no assets or with only minimal assets. Can I still receive the pension if I live in an aged care facility? YES. If you are eligible for a pension you will still receive it whilst living in aged care. Pensioner couples (where one or both are living in aged care), each receive a single pension. If I have no assets will I be able to live at Havilah? YES. If you have no assets you will not need to pay any up front accommodation charge. Do I have to pay an upfront fee to become an aged care resident at Havilah? Not necessarily. If assets are valued at under $57,000 you will not need to pay any up front fees. What if my wife and I own our own home but only one of us is needing residential aged care accommodation? In this case the value of your home would not be included in your assets and only half of the other assets would be assessed. If I have assets under $57,000 what fees will I need to pay? You will only need to pay the basic daily fee. The government will provide a subsidy towards your accommodation costs. What if the value of my assets is above $57,000? Talk to us to work out the best way for you. The government will continue to pay a subsidy towards your accommodation costs, on a reducing scale, if your assets are between $57,000 and $193,219. |
Excellent facilities are matched by exceptional service. At the touch of a button nursing assistance is available at any hour of the day or night.
Lifestyle Provisions
Essential Services
RESPITEAmong the many services Havilah offers is respite care. Respite care is a short-stay program whereby carers may apply for up to 63 days accommodation. This accommodation is paid for by the carer, although veterans may apply for 28-days paid accommodation. Respite care provides temporary relief for those caring for the frail and aged. This temporary accommodation provides all services available to permanent aged-care residents.
ADMISSION CRITERIA54617393Admission to any hostel for either permanent residence or respite care is through the local Aged Care Assessment Team, who will work with you to decide whether you need hostel care or could be assisted to remain at home with other support such as home care or aged care packages. Your GP will assist you with a referral to the Aged Care Assessment Team.
Our pricing policy is available HERE For further information contact Andrew Earl 54617393 |